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Top Initial Contact to
Japanese Customer
Boost your business
in Japan
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Top >> Boost your business in Japan

Company Info
Initial Contact to
Japanese Customer
FAX advertising
Boost your business
in Japan

As I said

Japanese market is little bit curious.
If you already dealing with Japanese, you may be aware that Japanese people is little bit curious.

Because we have different customs.

Unfortunately sometimes overseas companies and Governmental organizations may be unfamiliar with various aspects in Japan, such as:

* Laws and regulations
* Social habits and customs.
* Commercial habits and customs.
* Government social security
* People's attitude to work
* Personal relationships on business occasions
* Characteristic differences between regional communities
* The progress and penetration of mobile technologies etc.

The above list represents the fundamentals required to achieve your goals in the Japanese market.

We understand the Japanese market, people and customs.

So we have been providing advice as one to one consulting style.

For your information, we have been providing our support to

Heavy industry manufacturer (from Italy)

Coffee farm(from Uganda)

Metallic material manufacturer(from China)

They all wanted to find their customer in Japan and they have achieved their goal in short period of time.

If you would like to have our support, just fill out the necessary information on inquiry forms below and submit it.

We will contact you later soon.

Whatever your goal is,

We are ready to support.

All your information is kept private and confidential and not given to any third party.


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